Thursday, January 23, 2020

Morning Horizons

The mornings feel different after a trip. The quietness Just before sunrise broken by dashes of cars zipping up the road on their way to work. The city slowly breathing to life. Thawing as the sun rises. 

It sounds eerily the same in most cities.

You notice it in a new city after you've woken up in a hotel. The angle of the sun is slightly different from your bedroom window at home. The birds chirping a little different. Condensation on the window pane at this time of year when none would be present back home.

Each first morning in a different city is so similar, but so many minor differences add up to a uniquely refreshing experience every time.

I like waking up in new cities. New countries. When I got back from Switzerland, my first morning back I cried after opening the curtains and seeing a subaru dealership in the immediate foreground and not the Alps in the distance.

But some mornings you wake up and appreciate your home horizon. Maybe it being small and stable is the reason I get to keep seeing new horizons so often. Maybe that's a pretty good deal. For now.

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